博愛江夏圍村 – 完成電腦編配申請人面見次序(甲類)
(Chinese Version Only)

博愛醫院已於2021年11月18日(星期四)順利進行電腦隨機編配甲類申請人面見次序,申請人可於網站kwh.pokoi.org.hk查閱有關結果或致電2482 3909查詢(辦公時間: 星期一至五上午9時至6時,公眾假期除外)。

Computer balloting for Type A applicants

Computer balloting will be held on 18 Nov 2021 for Type A applicants (individuals and/or families awaiting Public Rental Housing for no less than 3 years) to determine the priority for vetting interview arrangements. Ballot result will be posted at POH’s website khw.pokoi.org.hk on 18 November 2021. POH will call the applicants according to the priority drawn and to inform them the interview schedule and venue. For enquiries, please call 24823909 (Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00 except public holidays).

元朗過渡性房屋項目—博愛江夏圍村 現正接受申請 為約6,000基層紓解住屋壓力 建構和諧共融新社區 邁向更好未來

博愛江夏圍村過渡性房屋項目結合政府、商界及社福機構三方合作,並得到多個地區團體的支持,為社區支援帶來新景貌。是次活動榮幸邀得運輸及房屋局副局長蘇偉文博士, BBS, JP及恒基兆業地產有限公司地產策劃(一)部高級副總經理葛雲傑先生等蒞臨出席,揭示惠民項目新篇章。
運輸及房屋局副局長蘇偉文博士, BBS, JP指出:「過渡性房屋資助計劃自去年6月推出至今,已批出24個項目,積極為基層市民紓解住屋問題。日前行政長官發表的《施政報告》亦提出增加過渡性社會房屋單位至20,000個,並將投放更多資源,運輸及房屋局將全力牽頭和支援,讓更多正在輪候公共房屋的基層家庭受惠。」
博愛江夏圍村結合三方協作 締造友愛共融•樂安居


  • 甲類申請人:輪候公共租住房屋(公屋)不少於3年的人士/家庭
  • 乙類申請人:居於不適切住房或有迫切需要援助改善住房人士/家庭










運輸及房屋局副局長蘇偉文博士, BBS, JP(前排左六)、恒基兆業地產有限公司地產策劃(一)部高級副總經理葛雲傑先生(前排右三)、一眾嘉賓及博愛醫院董事局成員齊心協力,冀帶領基層市民邁向更好未來。
運輸及房屋局副局長蘇偉文博士, BBS, JP表示運輸及房屋局將全力牽頭和支援各項過渡性社會房屋項目,讓更多正在輪候公共房屋的基層家庭受惠。

Pok Oi Hospital • Henderson Land Group Launch Transitional Housing Project in Kong Ha Wai, Yuen Long, Fostering Social Harmony and Alleviating Housing Pressure with 2,000 Residential Units for the Underprivileged

To address the housing needs of low-income families, the HKSAR Government has launched the “Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations” to facilitate the development of transitional housing initiatives. The Scheme—facilitated, assisted, supervised and funded by the Task Force on Transitional Housing under the Transport and Housing Bureau, implemented by Non-government Organizations (NGOs), and supported by the private sector—sets out to provide temporary housing for grassroots families who have been waiting for public housing. “Pok Oi Hospital•Henderson Land Group – Transitional Housing Project in Kong Ha Wai, Yuen Long” , the largest of its kind in Hong Kong, is about to commence. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on 29th March, 2021 (Monday).
Groundbreaking Ceremony (Left to right: Mr. Kenneth LAU Ip-keung, Executive Council member and Chairman of Heung Yee Kuk, N.T.; Dr. Jim LEE, Chairman-designate of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital; Mr. Martin LEE Ka-shing, Chairman of Henderson Land Group; Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of HKSAR; Mrs. Josephine KAN CHAN Kit-har, Chairman of the 71st Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital; Mr. Frank CHAN Fan, Secretary for Transport and Housing and Mr. Augustine WONG Ho-ming, Executive Director of Henderson Land Group)
Covering about 480,000 square feet, the “Pok Oi Hospital Henderson Land Group – Transitional Housing Project in Kong Ha Wai, Yuen Long” is a joint collaboration between the Government, the business sector and NGO. The parcel of land was lent by Henderson Land Group for nominal HK$1, and is supervised by the Transport and Housing Bureau with about HK$1.1 billion in funding. Pok Oi is responsible for coordinating the construction works and operating the housing units on a non-profit-making basis. The residential units will be provided to low-income families who have been on the public housing waiting list for three or more years and to those who are living in dire conditions or with critical needs.
The project will employ a highly efficient and environmentally friendly building approach called Modular Integrated Construction (MiC). It will provide a total of 1,998 units of varying types and sizes, including units for 1-2 persons, 3-4 persons and 5-6 persons, as well as barrier-free ones. The whole project is expected to accommodate nearly 40,000 underprivileged residents in the following seven years, and the first batch of units will be ready for move-in in the first quarter of next year. In addition to easing the housing demand of low-income families waiting for public housing, Pok Oi Hospital will introduce and offer a number of community services and amenities in the area—from extending the existing medical services and providing elderly day-care services, youth services, and children and family services, to building a supermarket, a community canteen and other facilities—with the goal of creating a close-knit community of shared resources.
Mr. Martin LEE Ka-shing, JP, Chairman of Henderson Land Group said “Henderson Land has always cared about the housing needs of low-income families. We are the first enterprise to participate in the Government’s community housing schemes, and this Kong Ha Wai project is the largest of its kind in Hong Kong. We’ve also taken the initiative to revitalise the nearby Kong Ha Wai Mansion, a Grade III historic building, to provide future residents, as well as the underprivileged in the area, with a leisure space and a range of community services. I hope that this project, once completed, will be able to enhance the quality of life of thousands of families.”
Mrs. Josephine KAN CHAN Kit-har, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital stated that Pok Oi Hospital has been serving Hong Kong citizens for over 100 years. Thanks to the support and collaboration from the Government and various stakeholders in society, Pok Oi has embarked on its first housing project in the new era of its 101st year, continuing its mission of alleviating the plight of the underprivileged while bringing forth a new network of community support.
Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of HKSAR; Mr. Martin LEE Ka-shing, Chairman of Henderson Land Group; Mrs. Josephine KAN CHAN Kit-har, Chairman of the 71st Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital and Dr. Jim LEE, Chairman-designate of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital, officiating at the lion dance ceremony.
Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of HKSAR; Mr. Martin LEE Ka-shing, Chairman of Henderson Land Group; Mrs. Josephine KAN CHAN Kit-har, Chairman of the 71st Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital and Dr. Jim LEE, Chairman-designate of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital, officiating at the lion dance ceremony.