Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village – Release a portion of Phase 2 units

由於「博愛江夏圍村」第一期入住申請反應理想,本院將加推「博愛江夏圍村」第二期部份單位(預計竣工日期為2022年9月),本院將分別按抽籤(甲類)及評審(乙類)結果,順序聯絡申請人,敬請留意。如有查詢,請致電2482 3909 (星期一至五09:00-18:00,公眾假期除外)。

博愛江夏圍村 – 完成電腦編配申請人面見次序(甲類)
(Chinese Version Only)

博愛醫院已於2021年11月18日(星期四)順利進行電腦隨機編配甲類申請人面見次序,申請人可於網站kwh.pokoi.org.hk查閱有關結果或致電2482 3909查詢(辦公時間: 星期一至五上午9時至6時,公眾假期除外)。

Computer balloting for Type A applicants

Computer balloting will be held on 18 Nov 2021 for Type A applicants (individuals and/or families awaiting Public Rental Housing for no less than 3 years) to determine the priority for vetting interview arrangements. Ballot result will be posted at POH’s website khw.pokoi.org.hk on 18 November 2021. POH will call the applicants according to the priority drawn and to inform them the interview schedule and venue. For enquiries, please call 24823909 (Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00 except public holidays).